Love the Problem, Not Your Solution

Love the Problem, Not Your Solution When was the last time your phone cozied up with the wrong hard surface? Imagine this phone is yours. In a couple of seconds, you have been unplugged from your life. Your contacts, past texts, emails, personalized apps, GPS, internet access and expensive device. At best, it’s a time-consuming process to replace your life. You likely completed many jobs in the course of choosing, buying and getting comfortable with your new phone.For example, you probably…• Researched your options• Chose your provider and device• Purchased…

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A Lizard Walks into a Mall…..

a lizard walks into a mall If you live in the US, you were blitzed by the annual December holiday shopping frenzy. You may enjoy the celebrations or be an unwilling audience for the seasonal music piped everywhere and the daily barrage of Doorbuster ads. You may even be among the 35 million Americans who claim they “dislike being nice” during the holidays. But guaranteed, the holiday season pushes buttons in all of us, beginning in our prehistoric brain. This oldest section of our human brain dates back 450 million years, long…

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Did you succumb to Halloween? It’s not your fault.

Did you succumb to Halloween? It’s not your fault. You’ve just survived a full-on holiday if you live in the US – Halloween.  It struck me this week that Halloween is masterfully designed to push every button in our tri-part brains.  As consumers, we take in information, respond and decide to buy based on signals from our old-as-time brains. And boy, do candy and film producers understand this perfectly. Have you ever been lured into a scary movie?  Film producers know that there is no better way to play off…

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